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Date: 17 Januari 2010

6th Asian Song Festival: Agnes Monica Borong 2 Piala!
LoBIC: diva kita, AgMon lagi-lagi dapat award:BaCa

Music Chart: J-pop/J-rock Chart!
LoBIC: chart baru buat musik" jepang. arigatou!!:BaCa

K-Drama: The Great Queen Seon Deok!
LoBIC: sinopsis terbaru the great queen seon deok 48/52:BaCa

Best File Request:
+ Click Here!
Best Five Mini/Album:
+ Brilliant Legacy Ost/SI
+ Ost. Style
+ Ost. You're Beautiful
+ Ost. Pasta
+ Top Chart Oricon 1-10
Best Five Soundtrack:
+ The Great Queen Seon Deok - Main Title
+ Lee Seung Gi - Will You Marry Me [Ft. BizNiz]/Brilliant Legacy Ost.
+ As One - Lalala... Love Song/World Within Ost.
+ Lee Yo Won - Bi Dam Sad Story/The Great Queen Seon Deok Ost.
+ Jika ada teman wap/chat yg nyari saya, sms: 6285659563508 .
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